Collard Greens, Shredded 2 lbs.

Item # --
Current price: $0.00


  • Healthy and simple farm-fresh food
  • Mild and savory flavor
  • Triple washed; ready to be cooked or added to smoothies
  • No preservatives
  • Brand may vary by Club

About this item

Collard greens are an excellent source of vitamin C and the antioxidant beta carotene (a pre-cursor for vitamin A) as well as a good source of potassium and magnesium. Try cooking these collard greens with garlic and butter, then finishing it with lemon juice—it's a simple and satisfying dish. Find more recipes on the back of package.

Pro Tips & Tricks: How to Make Your Leafy Greens and Vegetables Last

Ever buy a bag of spring mix only to watch them wilt and wither away in only days? Our tips and tricks will help extend the life of your greens, cut down on food waste and save you from additional trips to the grocery store.

  • Select fresh vegetables to start with. Leafy greens should have a deep, rich color. Discard any wilting, yellowing/browning or slimy leaves.
  • Keep vegetables in the produce bags, sealed zip-top bags or plastic containers. Add a paper towel or clean cloth towel to absorb any excess moisture.
  • Store vegetables in your fridge’s produce or crisper drawer, away from fruits (apples, pears, avocados and bananas) that will speed up the ripening process. Do not cram the drawer; vegetables need adequate airflow.
  • Keep vegetables unwashed until you’re ready to cook with them. Excess moisture will cause leafy greens to rot. If you do decide to wash the vegetables, dry them thoroughly and wrap them in a clean paper towel or cloth towel.
  • The exceptions to vegetables are green onions/scallions and herbs—these need to be stored roots-down in a cup of water with a plastic bag over the top.
  • TLDR: Leafy greens like high humidity, cool conditions and sufficient airflow.

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